Reaching an economy with net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 is high priority on the policy agendas. The EU Member States are preparing their 2050 Decarbonisation Plans which lay out the sectoral targets and the measures, which might ensure the successful completion of the full decarbonisation.
The transition to a climate-neutral society includes several challenges, however. The papers prepared by the V4 Energy Think Tank Platform discuss three key aspects of the realization of the 2050 decarbonisation in the Visegrad region:
- 2050 decarbonisation goals in the V4 countries (analysis of the national long-term strategies)
- The role of Power-To-Gas in the V4 region: Electricity and gas sector coupling as an enabler of energy storage,
- Coal phase-out in the V4 countries
At the online event we presented the main findings of the studies, followed by a panel discussion, where the participants reflected on the presentations and discussed the pathways of the 2050 decarbonisation.
The speakers:
- Adéla Denková, Research Fellow, AMO Research Center & Chairwoman of AMO Supervisory Board (CZ)
- Ágnes Törőcsik, Senior Research Associate, REKK (HU)
- Matúš Mišík, Associate Research Fellow, Slovak Foreign Policy Association (SK)
- Ivo Schmidt, Policy Officer, European Commission, Directorate-General for Energy
- Tomáš Smejkal, Head of Strategy Unit, Ministry of Industry and Trade, Czech Republic
- Viktor Horváth, Head of Department for Planning and Coordination of Direct EU Resources, Ministry of Innivation and Technology, Hungary
- Moderator: Michał Perzyński,

Read the relating interview with our speaker, Matúš Mišík from SFPA on CEENERGYNEWS about the challenges of decarbonisation in the Visegrad countries.