The project aims to promote policy actions in Bulgaria, Hungary and Romania to ensure the sustainability of biomass-based energy production. To this end, the project will start by analysing the legislative environment and strategies in the three ...
REKK participates in the research program of Climate Friendly Materials Platform. CFMP is a collaborative, multi‐stakeholder platform convened by Climate Strategies and brings together from a broad spectrum of European Universities and Institutes: DIW ...
DetailsIn light of the ambitious targets of the Paris Agreement and highly ambitious long term decarbonisation goals set by the European Green Deal, a critical question for decision-makers is how to sustain a coal and lignite phase-out that is as swift as ...
DetailsThe main objective of the project is to elaborate a country-specific modelling system for Hungary based on the TIMES modelling system which will serve as a basis for the National Energy and Climate Plan (NECP) of Hungary, fulfilling EU reporting ...
DetailsThe REKK Foundation participated in an international research project in cooperation with the Deutsche Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung (DIW Berlin), the WiseEuropa and the Universidad Pontificia Comillas about the transformation of energy intensive ...
DetailsThe purpose of the study is assess the potential to increase the use of renewable energy resources (biomass and geothermal energy) and combined heat and power in district heating generation. The study focuses on 19 district heating systems representing ...
DetailsWith the aim of strengthening cooperation among the think tanks of the Visegrad countries in the field of energy, as well as promoting dialogue between the academic sector and decision-makers in this area, REKK (HU) as coordinator, along with SFPA (SK) ...
DetailsThe aim of the project is to elaborate an initial assessment of a new security of supply concept and its application on the V4 region (with a possibility of extending it to neighbouring countries) in the post 2020 period. This period is selected on ...
DetailsThe proper functioning of the physical infrastructure sectors is essential to ensure sustainable economic growth and social welfare. The study aims to develop and apply a complex methodological framework to assess the performance and welfare effects of ...
DetailsThe SEERMAP project focuses on two crucial policy areas in the electricity sector of the West Balkan region concerning its long term energy development and decarbonisation path. One area is the potential of long term renewable deployment in the target ...