Structural changes across international energy systems have raised unprecedented challenges that require coordinated, strategic response from policymakers. In order to address these rising challenges, the REKK Foundation for Regional Policy Co-operation in Energy and Infrastructure was formed in 2016, capitalizing on REKK’s wealth of experience in education and research. The goal of the Foundation is to contribute to the formation of sustainable energy systems in Central Europe, both from a business and environmental perspective. Its mission statement is to provide a platform for open-ended, European-wide dialogue between government and business actors, infrastructure operators, energy producers and traders, regulators and consumers, professional journalists and other interested private entities. The Foundation will develop policy briefs and issue papers with forward-looking proposals concerning challenges posed by energy and infrastructure systems and organize regional forums allowing stakeholders to become familiar with the latest technological and regulatory developments within the industry.
REKK Foundation will realize its goals through the following primary activities:
- Ensuring open expert forums to present and discuss Hungarian, regional, European and international energy policy initiatives
- Knowledge sharing about the regulation of energy and other public utility networks and about the market trends of these sectors, dissemination of applied solutions, educational activities and research